Registration Form:
Annual Registration Update must be completed once a year at clbreak: HOME. If there are changes before the update is due, please let the manager on duty know. The registration form is designed to provide medical, personal and emergency information necessary to provide a safe environment.
Payment Methods:
Website, cash, or credit card
$10/ one month
$27/ 3 months
$99/ one year
Monthly Subscription
RSVPing for Programs:
Must have an updated Registration
Memberships must be paid in full to participate in events. Some exceptions apply.
RSVP for events online
RSVP 5 days prior to events.
If it is past the 5 day mark, please contact the Health Promotion Manager to see if there is room to add more members.
First-come, first-serve basis
If you are put on the waiting list, you will be notified over email.
A program may be canceled because of low enrollment.
Credits and Refunds Credits
If a paying event is cancelled, you will receive a refund.
There are no refunds for memberships.
Financial Assistance:
Financial assistance is available. Please contact the Executive Director to inquire more information. If you are granted financial assistance, it will need to be updated every 6 months.
Quarterly Surveys:
To ensure quality programs and funding, surveys will be sent over email to guardians and members. Please fill them out in a timely manner.
By registering for a membership, the members (or parent/ guardian of a minor member) irrevocably agrees to the use of photos or video to be distributed. If a member or guardian has any concerns, contact the Health Promotion Manager.
The BREAK is open to the community for renting. Please contact the Executive Director to inquire more information.